white sofa

Everyone wants to know why I moved my sofas. The number one answer is: because I am me.  And that's what I practise.  But I also accept a real respond.

moving furniture

This is what it looks like at 1:30 on a Tuesday. My husband is "doing the homeschooling" and this is the office where they are supposed to be watching a movie on the Bubonic Plague.  I'll let the picture practice the talking.  But this was my reality.  I needed to get some work washed.  And my work frequently consists of taking photos. And going to the kitchen 89 times for more water ice for my iced java. And admiring my quiet house. Or at least I've figured out that's what I similar to do when I work.  I realized that all of us are headquartered in the same 20 feet radius. And our house is more 400 square feet so in that location was no demand for that. If the boys and my husband were doing school and I needed to shoot some photos or hot glue something we were all of a sudden in each other's way. Meanwhile…

Meanwhile, we had this huge empty room upstairs just waiting to be fabulous. Or at least he'd settle for existence used. Normally I keep the bonus room door closed all winter and the boys would venture upwards there to play sometimes. When you are renting, (fifty-fifty when yous buy) sometimes you lot are lucky enough to finish upward with some rooms that you lot simply don't utilize all that often.

But, things have inverse and we are here and dirty socks are accidentally getting hot glue on them so I declared that we should turn the bonus room into man cardinal station.

And so we moved the leather sofa and the Television receiver upstairs.

cowhide rug

During black Friday, I ordered a big cowhide rug from Rugs USA.  They had a 75% off sale with Complimentary shipping. And I had the flu but managed to feebly eek out an society. The moment the rug was delivered all I could think of was how remorseful I was that I didn't share this great bargain with y'all all. But I felt so horrible that 24-hour interval.  I published a little bargain post that morning and it killed me not to add this bargain in. My apologies to anybody, because this was my best deal of Black Fri, I hope next yr I'll be all over the deals with yous. This rug was $185–that's less than the smaller cowhides at Ikea!  And it is wonderful.

So what does my RugsUSA cowhide rug have to do with moving the sofa upstairs?  Well, the day nosotros moved the sofa I promised the boys I would lodge a rug for that room.  The floor gets so cold since it'due south over the bonus room.  Luckily, I had about $200 in store credit at Joss & Master.

If yous scroll upwardly to the photo where all my menfolk are watching Tv set you lot can see my tiny cowhide rug there at the bottom of the photo.  It's well-nigh 1/3 the size of my new one and it'due south 3 legged. Which is why I got it for only $60 a few years ago.  I love the rug and noticed that it was really durable.  Which is why I had my eye out for a bigger, inexpensive cowhide. So I ordered and received the new ane correct around the time we moved the sofas. Naturally, I had cowhide on the brain.

cowhide rug

I needed yet another carpet. Stat. For the frigid bonus room with no insulation over the garage.  And there was a sale going on at Joss & Principal called Haute Hides. Which caught my attending because I had just received my newest cowhide and was completely in honey and I knew how durable they are then it would be neat for the bonus room so I ordered one.  The one right there in the eye.

I've had great luck ordering rugs online.  I started small with maybe a $100 take chances (if I didn't like information technology I could always sell it) and so over the by few years I've moved up to ordering larger rugs.  Every carpeting in our business firm simply ii was ordered online–without e'er seeing it beginning.  Some of you already saw this rug on instagram…

joss & main patchwork cowhide rug herringbone

Sidenote: At first I had a 5 x vii in my cart. The 8 ten 10 was a few hundred dollars more and I figured it was merely for the bonus room and that would embrace the open area between the sofas.  Merely then I remembered how I simply sold 2 rugs at my Large Auction and most of the problem was that they were just as well minor for me to use them they manner I wanted. Plus with this rug being a neutral, I wanted the option to move it to other rooms. Really, for me to order the smaller size would have been a waste matter of $400ish. I was SO difficult to dish out that extra coin but, I knew I really needed the 8×ten.

I think it concluded up costing a picayune over $600.  I had some store credit but I paid a few hundred dollars for a big patchwork cowhide carpet I had never seen.  I knew it would be neutral and it was for the bonus room anyhow so as long every bit information technology wasn't on burn down when information technology came, I'd make it work. Too, the big greenish rug in our family room cost over $700 and I've had it almost 10 years and it's been wonderful.  I've learned that rugs are worth the investment.

patchwork cowhide rug

Surprisingly, the rug was delivered two days later and the moment I opened it I knew there was no way I'd let it get hidden up at that place in the bonus room.  This was going to be on display downstairs in all of its cowhide, herringbone, patchwork glory.  I love how imperfect it is, some of the hides take long hair, some short and all the greys and browns–it's glorious.

cow skinour dog is still suspicious of this carpet

Isn't she lovely? And I'grand happy to report that red soda has already been spilled on it and it cleaned up with just a towel.   Remember, this hide has been outside on the backs of animals, if it survived through that, it surly can survive our house.

cool rugs

Here'due south a shot of the regular cowhide layered on the patchwork cowhide.  I went a footling hide overboard in this room.  The variations in the patchwork hide are more than dramatic than in our terminal carpeting so I'm slowly adjusting the rest of the room so everyone gets along.  It brought in more "goings on" in the room so to make up for that I'm trying to quiet downward another parts.  I'm not there nevertheless.

cool rugs

Here'southward the other angle. I also moved that $25 austerity store desk down from our sleeping accommodation and flanked information technology with the copper twins.  The hanging thing is just a metal light form that I attached book pages to, it came with a light kit but "for now" I have an Ikea light kit attached to information technology and rope property information technology all up.  Which is why I cropped that part out.

cowhide rug

And hither's what happens every single time I try to take a picture in my business firm.

decorating blog

A few other changes?  I bought a large stick.  Yeah, I did.  Angela and I were at an manor auction and at that place was this perfectly shaped driftwood (from the lake) stick that I knew was exactly what I needed.  Like a fool I asked 'how much?'.  I should accept simply asked if I could have it.  Just they charged $5 and I knew I was either really dumb or really smart.  When I got home I decided I was smart. Because the curve at the stick happens in but the right place to snuggle in a baby disco ball! Bet yous never thought you lot'd read those words all in one sentence?

tree stump side table

And I besides clumped together a petty group of tree stumps for a side table.  My hubby and boys sanded them, and painted a few.  Also I lost my dustpan simply that's not really large news.

Adjacent post, what the bonus room looks similar so far.  It's not exciting at all but, this mail is already too long.