Bdo Cannon Please Try Again in a Moment

Discussion about sea boxing and "Whitebeard"

Annar 2020-04-19 eighteen:41

3220 144 560 0

# 121

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-twenty

Finally a supporter that actually brand sense.

Main Character Witch

Lv lx

# 122

Edit Date : 2020-04-20

The simply supporter who really have some bit of knowledge nigh the game

Main Character Tamer

Lv 62

# 123

Edit Date : 2020-04-20

I personally experience that the naval content is lacking and unfinished.

I'chiliad coming from Archeage where the naval system is much more consummate compared to BDO.

I do like the idea of being able to board other ships and killing the captain. That opens upwardly opportunities and makes the game a lot more than dynamic and engaging.
Classes like Lahn, Berserker will exist sought out for naval content as a boarder to hijack ships.
Archers and snipers to put pressure on the opposing crew.
This also means, there will be more than than 1 person on each ship now.
one captain, peradventure 2 - iii defenders to prevent people from boarding ships.

This opens for more dynamic gameplay as in archeage fifty-fifty though you lot had a small armada, you lot could still win against an army past guerilla tactics.

Hijacking a ship doesn't just terminate once yous succesfully kill all the players on board, you can Bulldoze their send. Employ it confronting them etc. In taht sense, even your guildmates, teamates, freinds should be able to utilise your ship.

Shais with bubble, witchazrds with PA and AOE skills etc are perfect anti boarders.

Heck I would fifty-fifty like people with matchlocks to be able to do something. Accept 1 carrack full of snipers target an opponent carrack to snipe thier captain. This way, You tin't leisurely sail next to some other ship and blast them with cannons. You have to be careful, maneuver effectually them and be able to shoot cannons at a certain distance.
Take healers, past your side. etc Perhaps approach a target with 2 carracks non only i incase of enemy snipers etc

Yous basically rely on a crew and non just an army of vessels.

More than ships should also be introduced. I feel the reason why naval content is defective compared to archeage is because y'all can have x corporeality of carracks and it will be hard to argue. Whereas if you have a more varied transport or even gears for ships, it would be possible for guerilla warfare or more dynamic engagements

i.e. In Archeage, we take gear that immune to shoot cannons further merely did less impairment than normal. This in mind we can accept a ''snipe' fleet.
We had clippers with harpoons to slow downwardly bigger boats etc. making it easier to baord

You had small-scale boats with max sails to do hit and run tactics or to lure a chasing galleon into an ambus with their own political party of 2-3 galleons.

All this; allows for dynamic gameplay and strategies. assuasive any size guild to come out on top. Every bit the manner things stand now, information technology is whoever holds the most carracks and upgraded gear, wins.

This is why i feel naval warfare is defective. If it was more than dynamic, i would exist all up for node wars at sea.

Supplies should run out more than faster in my stance when using skills. I assume nearly people will obviously spam breezy sail to out maneuver each other, or any other skills. Take every other island accept a wharf manager to resupply. That way you take ninjas/kunos etc army camp resupply bondage. Even if you have the largest fleet in the server, it won't mean a matter if you are spread out thin. This opens upwards for further gameplay dynamics as guilds will try to marry with one another to control supply chain in times of war or focus on consolidating certain supply chain as a big armada

As for negative karma. For me, both land and sea. I feel they shouldnt exist able to logout or switch character one time they assail or kill. There should be a cooldown, just like the two swords that pop out once you merely as much assault someone. That way, take a chance is higher. Even if you forcefulness DC with task manager your character will still be idle for a minute or 2; leaving yous vunreble.
If they go killed, wether they are at body of water or land, they go to jail and same reprecussions should utilize. For Sea, in my opinion would be their ship gear to be degraded.

However, i detest that there is no incentive for scarlet players. I beleive both land and ocean pkers should have their ain benefits. Leaving land aside since it is non the topic on hand.

I am thinking something like islands, maybe out in margoria would be simply available to red sailors. Their castling or content will exist there. It would yeiled less silver/seacoins but if htey are killed in those areas, minimal penalisation i.e. jailtime
however if they merchandise in normal islands they would yield double than what is currently provided at the gamble of gear/ship gear degrading should they be killed in the normal areas. Beingness killed in margoria just allows you to ressurect at the closest safe zone as a red thespian; in normal merchandise routes = autojail
Carmine players notwithstanding will monopolize seacoins and special items from margoria nodes such equally send wrecked, incomplete transport etc. Merely way for normal peeps to safely go there volition be prophylactic in numbers. Probably detect a platoon of people to x up who are doing more or less the same run.

I just don;t similar how lvl 49s can be used.
Imo this is a design oversight rather than an exploit.
Grinding Hystria/Aakman/Stars end or college level areas or doing land pvp equally lvl49 is gimped for the simple fact yous don't have the skills you demand to do enough damage. This imo should be the same for lvl 49s on seacontent. Carrack or fifty-fifty send skills should be level locked, even repair interactions volition not be available.
Lvl49s probably limited to fishing boats, bartali, epheria. Anything else higher up you need a lvl 50+ grapheme.

Main Character Warrior

Lv 62

# 124

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-20

You must protect yourself showtime  when this game organization allowed whiteb*tch*s/whiter*t*rds what ever you called them.
- Bater and Khan can use Lv49 for prevented them from griefing you
- For Vell always call back bank check saling/barter ranking in you lot current server
Just try to discover a way to deal with those r*t*rds earlier PA do something similar negative land karma to them.

Chief Character Guardian

Lv 61

# 125

Edit Date : 2020-04-20

here's my two cent

even if PA reworks the karma system people volition always finda a way to exploit information technology to their behest.

not taking sides hither, simply stating the obvious.

i dont care much well-nigh pvp on the open world, i just shrug it off when i get killed iii times by my rival lodge.

Chief Character Wizard

Lv 61

# 126

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-20

I know that guild like Whitebeard tin be so abrasive,
that Lvl 49 is an old fob even when BDO however only focused on land content.
I got killed by them so many times that I even showtime making low-level barter char

I detest guild like  WB then much that I wish they got killed over and over again.
But, no matter how much I hate WB, they don't break any rules in this game, they play by the rules. and In this PVP game, go killed past someone who over-gear like them, is the daily lives of BDO, both land, and sea. It's part of the game.

I simply concord with 1 point from y'all, virtually the karma arrangement.
Likewise bad PA doesn't balance the Karma system on the sea, Carmine players gratis to practise anything since they don't even need back on land and get killed by the guards. there's no real downside apart they can exist striking by everyone on the server
oh, yeah... even tho PA give harsher punishment for them... it'due south not like that going to finish Whitebeard from killing people, this alter only makes them even proud of themself, trust me

Also, I hope PA vitrify or requite gild Galley more upgrade option, how the hell nine human being crews ship can exist sunk by single crew galleass under a minute

Main Graphic symbol Valkyrie

Lv threescore

# 127

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-20

Simply brand sailing like riding a horse, yous can't PvP nether level fifty character, can't practice force PvP and can't exist attacked, but nevertheless be able to utilise cannon for PvE. also one free sailing and bartering exp exchange coupons per family after making that updates. delight.

Too, make a no-PVP zone nearby Khan. a wider 1. Make a 30 minutes no-PVP window before and later Vell.

Don't mix force PvP to a proper naval boxing please, what is the point of existence able to punish ruby-red thespian on carrack with some detailed mechanic to impale the captain directly when proper naval battle (NW on sea) is not even in the game? those carrack owners just need a proper sandbox to examination out their new ships, only contrivance them, don't waste more than time for them. Can't wait for the proper naval battle tho.

I personally would like to be able to use sniper matchlock to snipe the captain too, lol.

Principal Character Dark Knight

Lv 56

# 128

Edit Date : 2020-04-21

First, attempt fixing desync bug before even bother calculation whatever of these on board battles.

Main Graphic symbol Witch

Lv 60

# 129

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-21

Main Graphic symbol Lahn

Lv 63

# 130

Edit Date : 2020-04-21

From how some Whitebeard members react is kind of toxic while the author is whiny.
Both sides are trying to defend their point of view.

This can have been avoided if the author just focused on the suggestion and take not proper noun drop a order. Should have generalized it and exist directly to Sea content.

For whatsoever order that gets targeted by a post, meme or video. Y'all should expect a backlash from their members.

Also Bounding main content is a work in progress of PA. but weeks ago they tried a Naval Warfare on Global Labs. So it's condom to say that PA is trying to improve the Game.


I promise the toxicity of some players does not touch on you and go on on playing BDO. Enjoy the Game, there are still some players who are nevertheless trying to Help & Support the customs.

Chief Graphic symbol Valkyrie

Lv 62

# 131

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-21

Now for Proposition:

The system that I recollect will work in SEA Content is categorized equally what kind of Ocean Gild.
information technology can be separated into iv categories: Pirate, Navy, Whalers & Merchant. which each type gets buffs and benefits.
Merchant Ocean - Focus Bartering content (example. Bonus Bounding main Coins, Weight, Defence)
Whalers - Sea Monster Hunting (instance. Bonus Damage, loot, and Exp confronting Bounding main Monsters)
Pirates - Sea Raiding (tin can get thirty%-50% boodle of Merchant & whaler guilds)
Navy - Ocean Bounty Hunters who chase Pirate Ships and protect merchant and whaler ships.

This is a work-in-progress Thought. Just generally, naval warfare/node war can be participated past Pirates and Navy Guilds.

For WhiteBeard for sure, they want to be Pirates.

Chief Character Valkyrie

Lv 62

# 132

Edit Date : 2020-04-22

Merchant Ocean - Focus Bartering content (case. Bonus Sea Coins, Weight, Defense)
Whalers - Sea Monster Hunting (case. Bonus Impairment, loot, and Exp confronting Body of water Monsters)
Pirates - Bounding main Raiding (can get xxx%-50% loot of Merchant & whaler guilds)
Navy - Ocean Compensation Hunters who hunt Pirate Ships and protect merchant and whaler ships.

This thought is fun where yous can rent pirates/navy to protect your merchant ships or missions where Pirates/Navy have to sink a certain number of ships.

Whalers sell stuff to the merchant and barter to NPC etc etc

problem is this will not exist Prio 1 fifty-fifty if they have in this suggestion.

So many things in the game they can do but was never done and this volition likely never be implemented

Main Character Shai

Lv 61

# 133

Edit Date : 2020-04-22

Merchant Ocean - Focus Bartering content (instance. Bonus Sea Coins, Weight, Defense)
Whalers - Ocean Monster Hunting (instance. Bonus Impairment, boodle, and Exp against Bounding main Monsters)
Pirates - Ocean Raiding (tin get 30%-fifty% loot of Merchant & whaler guilds)
Navy - Ocean Bounty Hunters who hunt Pirate Ships and protect merchant and whaler ships.

This thought is fun where you tin can rent pirates/navy to protect your merchant ships or missions where Pirates/Navy have to sink a certain number of ships.

Whalers sell stuff to the merchant and barter to NPC etc etc

problem is this volition not exist Prio 1 even if they accept in this proffer.

Then many things in the game they can do but was never done and this will likely never be implemented

Main Grapheme Shai

Lv 61

# 134

Edit Date : 2020-04-22

yes, adds more flare to ocean content and more competitiveness in the sea. Navy Guilds gets committee past Whalers and Merchant Guilds for Protection.

which volition also make Ocean boxing more realistic. they can revamp Pirate Island with a pocket-sized town were only Pirate GUilds are allowed to enter.

While the navy will accept an Isle Outpost equally a base. this will be a perfect setup for a naval warfare.

also higher bounty on a Pirate that sinks more than ships.

This setup is good for setting up limitations in Body of water boxing. just max 5 ships tin participate in a raid contract. 5 ships likewise in protect contract.
Merchant and Whaler Contracts gets more income bonus.

Main Character Valkyrie

Lv 62

# 135

Edit Date : 2020-04-22

I'yard hither reading all of this as ane of WB victim

even though yous can exist on tiptop of their carracks and cannot attack the wheel holder, they will simply change server to escape and save their carracks from attacks

Main Graphic symbol Dark Knight

Lv 62

# 136

Edit Engagement : 2020-04-22

Hi! I made a ane-pic guide. Hope it helps. ಠ⌣ಠ

Main Character Shai

Lv 61

# 137

Edit Date : 2020-04-22

Can someone list down all the suggested and the counter arguments?

So everyone who just reads now (like me) can accept the full context of the story?

I dont barter nor heavily invested in Naval content so I would really like to know whats the situation.

My personal reason why I dont really invest in Body of water content is that, the swimming in this game sucks compared to ArcheAge.

Main Character Sorceress

Lv lx

# 138

Edit Date : 2020-04-22

@LionessSpark your suggestions 10/x sadly we accept sent 30+ tickets as a guild asking for thigns like that. Hope they care. Exactly content like that nosotros want so Pirate Island is for pirate people who also can exist raided by good players etc. Our haul can exist robbed forus etc

Main Character Warrior

Lv 62

# 139

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-23

@L@zyT!tan development will take fourth dimension. a year dorsum I'm one of the players who send a proposition of categorizing guilds to ease recruitment than posting in server chat.  Now, We got Guilds that tin postal service recruitment base of operations on what they focus on: Combat, Lifeskill, Sailing, and Chance. Not exactly what I suggested just information technology's a good improvement.

Right now, I'm noticing they are focus first on improving the ships commencement and testing it in boxing before they role battle Mechanics in the Ocean. They just did a Naval Warfare testing before in GL. Think they are in the correct direction. We can hope to wait more content.

But it would be awesome to accept a pirate against the navy in the ocean.

We tin can surely hope since PA is doing quite well in trying out content fifty-fifty if some failed such as the Shadow Arena and Nation State of war. Too, we have the Balloon boxing look upwards to in 3-four years.

Main Graphic symbol Valkyrie

Lv 62

# 140

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-23

at Ti-Tan. demand to adjust your name. T-I-T is an illegal discussion in this forum. hahaha

Chief Character Valkyrie

Lv 62

# 141

Edit Appointment : 2020-04-24

@MalamNirwana No, lower than 50 can't employ cannon. Unless I miss something, I tried using my caravel to shoot cannon. Yes at that place is a "Cannonball" shoot out from the chamber, but no damage, also include "Please try over again in a moment". If you know a trick or two, delight share it :D

Only in case, I mean No Offense.

Chief Character Ranger

Lv 61

# 142

Edit Date : 2020-05-26

i think one more thing related to this suggestion. I saw many nodewar in which some guilds placed their fort on a small island, then they use ships to shoot anyone that attack the fort. I will say it is good to employ ships in nodewar , that thing besides a good selection. The trouble is, the dmg of the ship simply unfair, imagine severals carrack/carravel simply board there and spam the cannon, which can kill any single one even with pa vitrify. One more thing is, if the other guilds dont have ships, they deceit exercise anything instead of suicide in order to hit the fort( and frequently die earlier they tin even attain the barricade ). the skill dmg to the ship means nothing to them, while they hit like a truck, and that merely need a few people to defend the fort while others go and attack the enemies. I suggest that skill dmg to the send should be fixed , for example the ship is the amend version of the elephant, more than dmg , more hp etc... but they go dmg from both people and ship, not only from the ships as now. Hope this suggestion help.
Thank you!

Main Character Musa

Lv 62

# 143

Edit Date : 2020-11-01

Well the naval fame update brings me back to this topic. I'g surprised that PA did something eventually

Main Character Shai

Lv 61

# 144

Edit Appointment : 2020-xi-01

Yes, and at present they spead out all server to grief khan hunt of every single guild, destroy all the cannon and kill player mount cannon crusade impale role player is non event naval fame. Go along alt+c on and off and then that if other hit them, they will exist turn pirate instead of Whitebeard.

Main Character Ninja

Lv 60

# 145

Edit Date : 2020-eleven-03

Merely Suggestion add NPC Naval Baby-sit with Big ship who can 1 shot any ship in Game just in some region similar Illya Island or some Velia and Calpheon territory, and so Red histrion / Pirate surface area just on Quilla Middle Island and add feature Guild Raid and guild karma, if in your guild too Much PK or basicaly Bandit/Pirate society you can go red Gild karma this is allow you to attack some other guild no need to war to do it but the consecquence is Plus karma guild can assail y'all, and for the raid gild Brotherhood guild can raid negative karma lodge so exercise negative karma lodge can raid brotherhood just node war merely OwO)/ just some rough idea y'all can discus information technology guys if you know what i mean. maybe raid XD those White beard guild with over whelming corporeality of XD carrack,galleas,and carravel from all Channel/Server XD.

and i dissagree if this game just focus on PVP we take Alive skill here OAO)_ and it tin make profit and we have PVE so PVP game BDO nahh OAO)/ you need encounter more about this BDO world, have you trading from Valencia to Grana or even have y'all visit Port Ratt and bring the merchandise to Valencia ?, or have you explore undersea ? or maybe search some hunting game or maybe just enjoy the game characteristic similar Housing. or if you just muscle encephalon OwO)/ have you lot endeavour new region ? try survive for some hour in High AP and DP monster or just see on market what people need similar nosotros need more variation of alchemy stuff or raw material and total fill people social club in market.

for me this game is Complex game and hard grind game OwO)/

Main Character Archer

Lv 56

# 146

Edit Date : 2020-xi-12

this game is mmorpg and im fine with it, this mail service but waste of time let them update past themselves. beside i doubt they will mind hither

Main Character Sorceress

Lv 61

# 147

Edit Date : 2020-11-22

Prissy day for comment on an old post own't it!? Huha!!

Principal Character Shai

Lv 61

Feedback TopicGive-and-take about sea boxing and "Whitebeard"

  • Bug procurement of supplies


  • Oversized & Clipping, Choice to Hide Weapon


  • Discussion almost sea battle and "Whitebeard"


  • Add more Server/Aqueduct


  • Keyboard Shortcut "Continuously use BreezySail"



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